Wednesday, October 13, 2004

I got another new movie!

Of course I didn't go put applications in anywhere.....did you really expect me to?

So, I was going to critique Dude, Where's My Car? as the first installment of I.R. Critic. I rented it. I started watching it. I couldn't make it through it. For one thing, the dvd was scratched to hell and kept stuttering and the vocals were off track with the visuals. For another thing, the movie is fucking horrible and even if the disc had been in good condition I probably would have had to shut it off just to spare myself from having to watch it.

When I went to return it and get more movies, I happened to start browsing the new movies for sale. Lo and behold the Gods delivered unto me a great, great gift....sitting there among the crap movies was a glorious treasure, a diamond in the rough...I am now the proud owner of my very own copy of Good Burger. I decided to do that as my first critique in celebration of finally owning it. See, I have wanted it for a long time, but it is usually $20 or so, but for some reason Video Hits Plus was selling it, brand-new, for only $ was I to resist?

Now I am watching Anastasia. I am proud of myself because as Yul Brynner and Ingrid Bergman are practicing dancing, I am a big enough dork to know that they are dancing to the waltz scene from Tchaikovsky's opera Eugene Onegin.

In closing, I hate the fucking Yankees.


Blogger rob said...

Hey, it's "Yankee Day" at my school today! Yay, Yankees! Yayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayay.

October 15, 2004 at 9:41 AM  

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