Saturday, October 16, 2004

Why can't I get fired?

I have been extraordinarily argumentative at work lately. They've been fucking over the other drivers and they've been fucking over the customers. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of working there. So, I've been trying my damndest to get fired by arguing even more with management than I normally do.

I bought Stand By Me yesterday. I went to Target because I was going to apply there. I had seen a sign that they were hiring, but when I went yesterday I went to the other one and apparently they are not hiring. However, the trip was not for naught as I picked up one of the greatest movies ever made. Stand By Me is still one of my all-time favorites.

I also picked up a pair of fishnet stockings. See, I'm heading up to a friend of mine's halloween party on the 29th. I've been talked into dressing in drag for halloween this year. I've got a skirt, top and boots, but I needed some fishnets, ya know.

Today I'm watching The Manchurian Candidate with the directorial audio commentary. This movie kicks ass. I haven't seen the new version, I really should get around to that. I don't know how it could possibly be as good as this one. Later I am going to lunch with my old boss, should be fun. Maybe I while I am out I will go fill out some applications.


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