Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Schilling is the Man!

Wow....this Red Sox/Yankees series has been amazing. I'm not really rooting for the Red Sox as much as I am rooting against the Yankees. But, regardless, as a baseball fan I have to say that I am loving this series. The performance by Schilling last night will go down as one of the greatest starts in playoff history.

Today I went and got new tires, paid my cable bill and my phone bill and got my license plate tags renewed. There goes that check....I was considering going out and buying this collection of Hitchcock movies, but I had to do the responsible thing and fix up my car and pay my bills. On the bright side, the only things I have left to pay this month would be a credit card payment and my car insurance.

I picked up a newspaper today and I am going to scour the help wanted ads in the hopes of finding a new job. Why can't I find a job where they will pay me to watch movies all day or read all day? I'm thinking, if I can't find anything worthwhile in the want ads, I will go apply at some of the video rental places and movie theaters in town. Maybe then I can find something. If all else fails, I figure every retail place in town will be hiring for seasonal help and that could earn me a little extra spending cash. Maybe I can wow them with my unparalleled customer service skills and stay on after the holidays.

Keep your eye on I.R. Critic, there will be a review up there sometime today. I will try to get it up there before I go to work, but it may have to wait until afterward.


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