Thursday, November 04, 2004

Don't Blame Ohio!

Well, the election results are all in now. Bush wins, eh. We shouldn't blame Ohio though. They were just the last big state to be counted, if Kerry had won more of the small states he could have pulled it off. It's sad that Kerry couldn't even take North Carolina and that's the homestate of his damn running mate. I think it boiled down to people have more faith in Bush being able to stop terrorism. Granted, some of the other factors were abortion rights, gay marriage and healthcare, but I think the terrorism shit is what put Bush over the top.I just don't think the election really mattered that much anyway. The Republicans still own the House and the Senate. Kerry's hands would have been all but tied until that changed. And, quite honestly, the only thing good I saw in Kerry is that he is not Bush. I didn't see anything from Kerry that would have made me happy to see him as the next president. To be fair, I really don't have anything against Bush in particular. He's not bright enough to be dangerous. The danger comes from the people around him like Cheney and Ashcroft. Seeing those two out of the White House would have been the biggest benefit had Kerry won.

In other news: I still hate my job. I still haven't found a new/second job. I have narrowed my "cities I may potentially move to" list down to

1. Portland, OR
2. Memphis, TN
3. Cincinnati, OH
4. Louisville, KY
5. Knoxville, TN
6. St. Louis, MO
7. Nashville, TN
8. Austin, TX
9. Sacramento, CA

Those are in no particular order....I just need a reason to choose one over the others. They all have their pros and cons. The biggest pro for each of them is that it would be outside of Kalamazoo and outside of Michigan. Damn do I need some change of scenery.


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