Thursday, November 18, 2004

Yup, I'm a big slacker....

The trip to Saginaw was good. I was there from Tuesday afternoon until Saturday afternoon. Not much to tell really, just spent some time with my family and a few of my friends who still live there. I had to break the news to my parents that I am moving in July or August. They aren't very pleased about the idea. They see me only a few times a year with me living just over 170 miles away, I think they think that they will see me once every few years if I live a couple thousand miles away. Well, sure, they're right, I have no intention of visiting often, but I would be back once in awhile. I have it narrowed down to Portland, Sacramento and Memphis. They said they would rather I stay on this side of the Mississippi and would prefer that I move south instead of west. But I am leaning toward west rather than south.

I did finally get my birthday presents while I was in town. My parents got me a dvd player. My bestest friend got me a set of Marx Brothers movies (5 of their very early ones, they kick ass!).

One of my best friends lives out in Montana. He and his girlfriend (who I have not actually met yet) are going to Detroit for Thanksgiving. So, I'll get to see them and that makes me happy.


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