Sunday, October 31, 2004

Should be a fun day, eh

So, I just got out of the shower and I am about to step into my fishnets. See, we're allowed to dress up for Halloween at work. I jokingly said I was going to wear a skirt and heels. No one believed that I would do it, so I'm going to. I have a little skirt and some fishnets and a blouse and a pair of black 3" heels. Should be interesting to work in that all day. I'm going to take a pair of Converse with me in case the heels and I aren't getting along well.

I'm saddened by the fact that no one ever seems to read either this or I.R. Critic. But I will persevere, eh. Eventually I will reach fame and glory via my blogs.

The moving plans are being etched out slowly. I have narrowed it down to several cities. The lead cities currently are Portland, OR, Memphis, TN or Athens, GA. Not sure where I will end up, but come August or so of next year I am praying I will not be in Kalamazoo.

I am thinking of doing a political movie for I.R. Critic next week. Seems appropriate considering the upcoming election. Though maybe I should have done it last week since the election will no longer be upcoming by the time I post this week's review. But I had to do something Halloweenish last week, ya know.

Anyway....time to get dressed and be off to work....wonder if dressing in drag will get me bigger tips...

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Bye, bye Cardinals....

Well, it looks as though the Red Sox will finally win a World Series. Then again, the Sox were down 0-3 to the Yanks and came back, maybe the Cards can pull off the same feat....

Today I have watched one of the greatest movies ever made: Planet of the Apes. I've also watched a few episodes of The Prisoner. I wrote a critique of The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari for I.R. Critic.

Tonight I am going out to dinner with my Aunt, Uncle and two cousins. We're celebrating my natal day, oh yeah. Then it's back here to watch game four of the world series. No work for me today!

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Life Sucks and So Do You

I went back to Target and picked up The Frankenstein Legacy Collection and it kicks ass.

I got out of work early today and got to see my Patriots squeek out another victory for their 21st in a row. Now I am going to settle in and watch the Sox/Cards game.

So, yeah, life's sucking ass....I've got no friends, no garden gnome...why am I a moron?

I'm going to go out and put some applications for employment in tomorrow (sure I, really...)

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Go Sox Go...

I cannot believe the Red Sox are going to the Series. When this series started I predicted Sox in 7, but when they were getting stomped in game three and Schilling was probably not going to pitch again this year, I recanted and said the Yankees would take them. Apparently I should have stuck with my original prediction. Not that it matters because whichever NL team gets in there is going to beat them anyway. But I think I'll be rooting for the Sox if only to shut their whiny fans up.

I went to Target today. When I was there a few days ago I saw the Frankenstein Legacy Collection for only $20. So, I was going to go pick it up. I thought I might get the Dracula one too. But as I was browsing, I found something I just simply couldn't resist. I am now the proud owner of the Godfather DVD Collection...all three movies and a shitload of bonus features.

I didn't get out of work until 11ish last night, so no luck getting the review up on I.R. Critic. I'm gonna try to get it written this afternoon while I watch The Godfather.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Schilling is the Man!

Wow....this Red Sox/Yankees series has been amazing. I'm not really rooting for the Red Sox as much as I am rooting against the Yankees. But, regardless, as a baseball fan I have to say that I am loving this series. The performance by Schilling last night will go down as one of the greatest starts in playoff history.

Today I went and got new tires, paid my cable bill and my phone bill and got my license plate tags renewed. There goes that check....I was considering going out and buying this collection of Hitchcock movies, but I had to do the responsible thing and fix up my car and pay my bills. On the bright side, the only things I have left to pay this month would be a credit card payment and my car insurance.

I picked up a newspaper today and I am going to scour the help wanted ads in the hopes of finding a new job. Why can't I find a job where they will pay me to watch movies all day or read all day? I'm thinking, if I can't find anything worthwhile in the want ads, I will go apply at some of the video rental places and movie theaters in town. Maybe then I can find something. If all else fails, I figure every retail place in town will be hiring for seasonal help and that could earn me a little extra spending cash. Maybe I can wow them with my unparalleled customer service skills and stay on after the holidays.

Keep your eye on I.R. Critic, there will be a review up there sometime today. I will try to get it up there before I go to work, but it may have to wait until afterward.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Why can't I get fired?

I have been extraordinarily argumentative at work lately. They've been fucking over the other drivers and they've been fucking over the customers. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of working there. So, I've been trying my damndest to get fired by arguing even more with management than I normally do.

I bought Stand By Me yesterday. I went to Target because I was going to apply there. I had seen a sign that they were hiring, but when I went yesterday I went to the other one and apparently they are not hiring. However, the trip was not for naught as I picked up one of the greatest movies ever made. Stand By Me is still one of my all-time favorites.

I also picked up a pair of fishnet stockings. See, I'm heading up to a friend of mine's halloween party on the 29th. I've been talked into dressing in drag for halloween this year. I've got a skirt, top and boots, but I needed some fishnets, ya know.

Today I'm watching The Manchurian Candidate with the directorial audio commentary. This movie kicks ass. I haven't seen the new version, I really should get around to that. I don't know how it could possibly be as good as this one. Later I am going to lunch with my old boss, should be fun. Maybe I while I am out I will go fill out some applications.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

I got another new movie!

Of course I didn't go put applications in anywhere.....did you really expect me to?

So, I was going to critique Dude, Where's My Car? as the first installment of I.R. Critic. I rented it. I started watching it. I couldn't make it through it. For one thing, the dvd was scratched to hell and kept stuttering and the vocals were off track with the visuals. For another thing, the movie is fucking horrible and even if the disc had been in good condition I probably would have had to shut it off just to spare myself from having to watch it.

When I went to return it and get more movies, I happened to start browsing the new movies for sale. Lo and behold the Gods delivered unto me a great, great gift....sitting there among the crap movies was a glorious treasure, a diamond in the rough...I am now the proud owner of my very own copy of Good Burger. I decided to do that as my first critique in celebration of finally owning it. See, I have wanted it for a long time, but it is usually $20 or so, but for some reason Video Hits Plus was selling it, brand-new, for only $ was I to resist?

Now I am watching Anastasia. I am proud of myself because as Yul Brynner and Ingrid Bergman are practicing dancing, I am a big enough dork to know that they are dancing to the waltz scene from Tchaikovsky's opera Eugene Onegin.

In closing, I hate the fucking Yankees.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Who Needs a New Job?

Me, me, me, me, me....

Tomorrow I do not work until 4:30. I have Tuesday off. In my non-working portions of my upcoming days, I need to go put some applications in at potential places of employment. I want a job at a video place...maybe I can get free rentals then! I saw an ad at Target that they are taking apps, but I don't know if I could work retail and maintain my high level of sanity. Whatever I do, I need to do it quickly....I need to get the fuck out of pizza.

I decided what movie I will review for the first installment of I.R. Critic. I also added a list of the top twenty movies ever made.

I need to start studying again. I think it is time for Dave to learn a new language....I am torn between Swedish, Icelandic, Russian and Latin....which should I study?

I bought new movies last night. I got a 10 movie collection of Alfred Hitchcock's early works. Good stuff! I also bought the movie Saved!...I just saw it for the first time Tuesday when it came out on dvd. I fucking loved it.

Tuesday evening I am probably going to head over to campus. One of the student organizations is putting on a free showing of Fahrenheit 9/11, I haven't seen the movie yet, I figure I should...and hey, it's free.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Wow, My first post

Well, if I am going to signup for this shit to do movie critiques (, I suppose I should sign up to do critiques of my life too, eh. This will be my new journal, how fun and exciting is that?